About me

My career up till now ...

Welcome to my online portfolio. This Web site features a collection of previous projects from my career in publishing. Here you can find writing samples, design samples and see my web development abilities.

All of the work featured in this web site is my own, including the web site itself. I did not use a "WYSIWYG" editor for coding - it is valid XHTML 1.1 with CSS, SSI, JavaScript and some PHP.

Other work I have done can be found through the links on the writing samples page. If you would like more examples of my work, or have questions, contact me.

Jaiden rocking his ABC's

I specialize in:

Links of places I've worked:

  1. CFLbands.com
  2. Venice Gondolier
  3. Orange and Blue Magazine
  4. Vital Source Magazine
  5. Atlantic.Net
  6. Campus Talk

I am versatile with computer applications having worked with both PC and Mac on the job. I'm always eager to learn new software.