************ CFLbands.com ************ 0 Preface 1 Requirements 2 Installation 3 Errors ---------- 0 Preface ---------- The installation of CFLbands is seemingly painless as long as you follow the directions below - assuming that you have all of requirements below --------------- 1 Requirements --------------- -PHP 4.1 or higher http://www.php.net/ -MySQL or PostgreSQL (or access to a server running one of these) -an FTP program Recommended: -editor (for editing the files) http://www.chami.com/html-kit/ --------------- 2 Installation --------------- Instruction for people that are installing on a web host or some computer other than the one that they are working on are indicated with "remote host only" 0) Make sure you have fulfilled all of the requirements listed above Make sure php, an SQL server, and adodb are installed on your server. You can find php at http://php.net/ mysql at http://mysql.com postgresql at http://postgresql.org adodb at http://php.weblogs.com/adodb You will need php version 4.1 or greater. If you don't have permissions to install this globally, you can put it in your php-calendar directory. 1) (Remote server only) Use FTP to connect the server your webpage is stored on and create a new directory where you want to store the calendar (example: 'cflbands' for www.mydomain.com/cflbands). You can call it whatever you want. 2) Upload the files via FTP to a public folder. 3) Open up a browser window and navigate to the file install.php in your calendar folder of your webpage (example: http://www.mydomain.com/cflbands/index.php) If this didn't work, see the section below. ----------- 3 ERRORS ----------- This section assumes you are using MySQL, but it may be helpful for everyone. Message: ERROR db:1044: Access denied for user: 'MySQLusername@localhost' Solution: Make sure you have your MySQL username and password correct in the config.php file. Contact your host or administrator if you don't know what they should are. Message: ERROR create db:1044: Access denied for user: 'username@localhost' to database 'databasename': CREATE TABLE phpc_events Solution: You do not have the abilty to create tables. You need to grant permission to create tables on the user that you're using for the calendar. Message: ERROR Software error Couldn't select database Solution: Make sure the name of you MySQL database is correct in the config.php file. Contact your host or administrator if you don't know what the database name is. Make sure the SQL_PREFIX is set to 'phpc_', or whatever the prefix of your tables is, in the config.php file Good luck! Jeremy Rottgen